Two-step Consecutive First Order

Two-step Consecutive First Order

`Astackrel(k_1) rarrB stackrel(k_2) rarrC`

Differential Equations




Mass balance equation


Initial conditions:

`A(0)=A_0`, `B(0)=0` and `C(0)=0`

Case I: k1≠k2

Time-dependant solutions:


`B=(k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) (exp(-k_1t)-exp(-k_2t))`

`C=(k_2k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) (exp(-k_2t)/k_2 - exp(-k_1t)/k_1 ) + A_0`


 graphing k=2.1


The immediately evaluable differential equation is A’(t),


Which has the solution


Using this solution, we can make the differential equation, B’(t), separable,


We rearrange the equation, such that it is of this particular standard form,


We obtain,


…which can be solved by means of the integrating factor method. For this part of the derivation, we temporarily rename B=y and t=x, as to coincide with the above standard form. By inspection we obtain definitions for F and G, and then evaluate I,

`F=k_2` and `G=k_1A_0exp(-k_1x)`

`I=exp(int Fdx) = exp(k_2x)`

As per the integrating factor method method, to solve the differential equation we set the equation up as below,

`Iy=int IGdx +c`

So we first need to find the integral. Using,



`int IGdx = k_1A_0 int exp((k_2-k_1)x)dx`

Which we can evaluate using u-substitution, where,

`u=(k_2-k_1)x` and `(du)/(dx)=k_2-k_1`

and so we have an expression for the integral,

`int IGdx = (k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) int exp(u)du = (k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) exp((k_2-k_1)x)`

…which is equal to Iy

`Iy=exp(k_2x)y=(k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) exp((k_2-k_1)x) + c`

We solve this for y,

`y=(k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) exp(-k_1x) + cexp(-k_2x)`

Then to find the coefficient of integration, we use the particular value y(0)=0.

`0=(k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) exp(-k_1 0) + cexp(-k_2 0)=(k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) + c`

Which gives us the value of c,


Substituting this in we obtain the exact solution,

`y=(k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) (exp(-k_1x)-exp(-k_2x))`

We rename the variables y=B and x=t, and obtain the final expression for B(t),

`B=(k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) (exp(-k_1t)-exp(-k_2t)`

Finally, we can address the time-differential equation, C’(t). To begin we substitute in the expression B derived above,

`C'(t)=k_2B=(k_2k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) (exp(-k_1t)-exp(-k_2t))`

The expression is separable and so can be integrated immediately,

`C=(k_2k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) (int exp(-k_1t)dt - int exp(-k_2t)dt + c)`

To obtain the solution,

`C=(k_2k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) ( exp(-k_2t)/k_2 - exp(-k_1t)/k_1 + c )`

Using the particular value, C(0)=0,

`0=(k_2k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) ( exp(-k_2 0)/k_2 - exp(-k_1 0)/k_1 + c) = (k_2k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) (1/k_2 - 1/k_1 + c)`

Thus we can express c,


With this definition for c, we can simplify the solution and obtain an exact expression for C(t),

`C=(k_2k_1A_0)/(k_2-k_1) ( exp(-k_2t)/k_2 - exp(-k_1t)/k_1 ) +A_0`