Solving a First-order Differential Equation using the Integration Factor method

To solve a differential equation of the standard form below, we can make use of the Integration Factor method,

Equation 1

We introduce a factor,

Equation 2

Multiplying the differential equation by this ‘integrating factor’ we obtain,

`I(x) (dy)/(dx) +I(x)F(x)y=I(x)G(x)`
Equation 3

Which is now of the form of a derivative of a product of functions, Ie.,

Equation 4

By inspection we obtain:

Equation 5

Equation 6

Equation 7

Equation 8

And so,

Equation 9

Which requires,

Equation 10

…and has the solution,

`lnI(x)=int F(x)dx`
Equation 11


`I(x)=exp( int F(x)dx)`
Equation 12

Combining the r.h.s of Equation 3 to that of Equation 4, we have

Equation 13

Which integrates to

`uv=int I(x)G(x)dx + c`
Equation 14

From the definitions of u and v (equations 5 and 7), we have

Equation 15

Which we know to be equal the r.h.s of equation 3, ie.,

`I(x)y=int I(x)G(x)dx + c`
Equation 16

By definition I and G are functions of x only, and so the integral can generally be found. Hence, we have an expression for y in terms of x.

`y=1/(I(x)) ( int I(x)G(x)dx + c)`
Equation 17

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