Parallel-Consecutive Second-order Kinetics


`A+Bstackrel(k_1) rarrC`

`A+Cstackrel(k_2) rarrD`

for example,

Differential Equations:





Case I: A0 = 2B0 AND k2/k1≠1≠2

Mass Balance:




Hence, `C=A-2B`

Some specific defintions

To make the equations easier to manipulate we make use of the following substitutions,

`alpha=A/A_0`, `beta=B/B_0`, `gamma=C/B_0`, `delta=D/B_0`, `kappa=k_2/k_1` and `d tau=B_0k_1dt`

The foremost four of these (`alpha, beta, gamma, delta`) are fractional concentrations - that is, they represent the concentration as a fraction of its maximum. The use of fractional concentrations can be useful to frame the solutions of the kinetic equations within the limits of [conc]=0..1. Otherwise, we have variable limits which will complicate the solution. The latter two substitutions (`kappa` and `tau`) enable further simplification of the differential equations.





`t = (z beta^(-1) Phi(beta^(kappa-1)/(2kappa-1),1,1/(1-kappa))- z Phi(1/(2kappa-1),1,1/(1-kappa)))/(k_1B_0)`

Nb: `Phi(...)` is the Lerch Transcendent


 graphing k=2.1


The set of differential equations are non-linear and constitute an intractable set, which does not have an exact solution, ie., the set is not separable nor do they conform to a standard form. Instead, we have to solve them as a set of equations simultaneous in time. This has the unfortunate consequence that whilst it is possible to provide exact expressions relating the concentrations A, B, C and D to one another, it is not possible to exactly express their time-dependance. It is however possible to correlate time with concentrations with an approximate expression.

Outline of the Procedure

We take the set of differential equations, convert them to a form involving fractional concentrations, and replace time with scaled time, `tau`. Next we convert these non-linear time-differential equations into linear-differential equations by eliminating 'time' by dividing each by `beta'(tau)`. We solve the new set of linear differential equations to provide expressions relating the concentrations to one-another. Using these solutions, we then formulate an expression to recover time, which involves a single intractable integral (which is easier than solving a set of four intractable differential equations!) - this expression is only an approximation of time, but one which can provide an arbitrary accuracy.

Setup the differential equations in `tau` basis

Convert the diffferential equation `A'(t)` and `B'(t)` to `alpha'(tau)` and `beta'(tau)` using the substitutions `beta=B_0B` and `alpha=A_0A`:

`B'(t)=-k_1AB=-k_1A_0B_0alphabeta=B_0(d beta)/(dt)`


`(d beta)/(k1B_0dt)=(d beta)/(d tau)=-2alphabeta`

Then we do the same for the equation `A'(t)`. First we substitute in the definition of `C` from the mass balance equation,


Next substitute in the definitions for fractional concentrations,


...and substitute in the definitions of `kappa=k_2/k_1` and `d tau=k_1B_0dt`,

`(dalpha)/(B_0k_1dt)=(dalpha)/(d tau)=(2kappa-1)alphabeta-2kappaalpha^2`

This differential equation `alpha'(tau)` can be made linear by dividing it `beta'(tau)`,

`(dalpha)/(d tau) (d tau)/(dbeta)=((2kappa-1)alphabeta)/(-2alphabeta)-(2kappaalpha^2)/(-2alphabeta)`

Which becomes the linear first order differential eqation,

`(dalpha)/(dbeta)=kappa alpha/beta + (1-2kappa)`

The solutions of `alpha`, `gamma` and `delta` in terms of `beta`

The solution to this can be found by either using u-substitution with `w=kappa alpha/beta` or the integrating factor method. To solve it we here use the former method. First we define,

`m=(1-2kappa)/2` and `w=kappa alpha/beta`

So the equation becomes,


We solve w for `alpha` and differentiate,

`alpha=1/kappa w beta`, `(d alpha)/(dbeta)=1/kappa (w + beta(dw)/(dbeta))`

Which leads to,

`(dalpha)/(dbeta)=w+m=1/kappa (w + beta(dw)/(dbeta))`

Multiplying by `kappa`,

`kappaw+kappam=w + beta(dw)/(dbeta)`

Subtract w from both sides,


Now we again use u-substitution, this time we define `u=(kappa-1)w+kappam`, and obtain the derivative,

`(du)/(dw)=(kappa-1)` and `(du)/(kappa-1)=dw`

We substitute u back into the equation, and then the expression `dw` just obtained,

`u=beta(dw)/(dbeta)=beta/(dbeta) (du)/(kappa-1)`

This equation is now separable and so we can integrate,

`(kappa-1) int(dbeta)/beta=int(du)/u` obtain,

`(kappa-1)lnbeta=lnu +c_1`

We reverse the substitution u and then w,

`(kappa-1)lnbeta=ln ((kappa-1)w+kappam) +c_1=ln ((kappa-1)kappa alpha/beta +kappam) +c_1`

Using the particular value `alpha(1)=1` we can find the integration coefficient,

`0=ln ((kappa-1)kappa +kappam) +c_1`

`-c_1=ln ((kappa-1)kappa +kappam)`


Returning to the solution, we exponentiate it and move the integration coefficient to the l.h.s.,

`beta^(kappa-1)exp(-c_1)=(kappa-1)kappa alpha/beta +kappam`

Multiply both sides by `beta`, and subtract the m term,

`beta^(kappa)exp(-c_1)-kappambeta=(kappa-1)kappa alpha`

Solve for `alpha`


Substitute in the definition of `exp(-c_1)`, and cancel the common `kappa` terms,


Recall our definition of m, and substitute this in,


Expand the brackets and factorise the numerator for a factor of 2,


Expand the `beta^kappa` terms,


We cancel the common terms and finally obtain,


Using this solution to the `alpha'(beta)` differential equation, it is possible through the various mass balance equations to find expressions for the other concentrations, `gamma` and `delta`. We take the mass balance equations and convert them to fractional concentrations,

`B_0=B+C+D` `1=beta+gamma+delta`
`C=A-2B` `gamma=2alpha-2beta`

Substituting in the solution `alpha(beta)` into the above mass balance equations, and we obtain,

`gamma(beta)=(beta^kappa-beta)/(1-kappa)` and `delta=1-beta-(beta^kappa-beta)/(1-kappa)`

Expressing a Correlation with Time

Having removed the time dependance from the differential equations in order to make them linear and exactly solvable, we now need to obtain a mean to correlate these concentrations with time. To do this, we take a time-differential equation which is separable, the simplest of which being `beta'(tau)`, and integrate. Recall the definition,


Replace `alpha` with the solution previously derived,

`beta'(tau)=(d beta)/(d tau)=-((1-2kappa)beta^2+beta^(kappa+1))/(1-kappa)`

Factorise for -1,

`(d beta)/(d tau)=((2kappa-1)beta^2-beta^(kappa+1))/(1-kappa)`

Reciprocate the equation, separate the variables and integrate,

`int_0^L (d beta)/((2kappa-1)beta^2-beta^(kappa+1))=int (d tau)/(1-kappa)`

This integral is intractable (it cannot be expressed in a finite number of terms of elementary functions ie., does not have a closed form), however we can approximate it to an arbitrary accuracy using the Lerch-Transcendent function. Compare the above integral to both the integrals below,

The Hypergeometric Euler integral,

`I=int_0^1 ((1-u)^(g-f-1)u^(f-1)du)/(1-ux)^e=(Gamma(g-f)Gamma(f))/(Gamma(g)) ""_2F_1(e,f;g;x)`

...and also the integral representation of the Lerch-Transcdenent function

`I=int_0^1 (u^(a-1)(du))/(1-ux)=Phi(x,1,a)`

To make our integral conform to these, we factorise it for `(2kappa-1)beta^2` to obtain,

`int (d tau)/(1-kappa)=(2kappa-1)^(-1) int_0^L (beta^(-2)d beta)/(1-(2kappa-1)^(-1)beta^(kappa-1))`

Let `z=(2kappa-1)^(-1)`, then

`int (d tau)/(1-kappa)=z  int_0^L (beta^(-2)d beta)/(1-zbeta^(kappa-1))`

We need to change the limits of integration which can we using u-substitution, let `w=beta/L` and so `(dLw)/(dbeta)=1`. Inserting these definitions to the integral we obtain,

`int (d tau)/(1-kappa)=z int_0^1 ((Lw)^(-2) d(Lw))/(1-z(Lw)^(kappa-1))`

Then we expand the brackets and collect the L terms,

`int (d tau)/(1-kappa)=z L^(-1) int_0^1 (w^(-2) dw)/(1-zL^(kappa-1)w^(kappa-1))`

Next we perform another u-substitution, this time `u=w^(kappa-1)`, and `(du)/(dw)=(kappa-1) w^(kappa-2)` so `dw=w^(2-kappa)/(kappa-1)du`, and obtain,

`int (d tau)/(1-kappa)=z L^(-1)/(kappa-1) int_0^1 (w^(-2) w^(2-kappa)du)/(1-zL^(kappa-1)u)`

We cancel the common terms, and express `w^(-kappa)` in terms of u, using `u^(1/(kappa-1))=w` we have `w^(-kappa)=u^(kappa/(1-kappa))`, and so,

`-int d tau=z L^(-1) int_0^1 ( u^(kappa/(1-kappa)) du)/(1-zL^(kappa-1)u)`

This integral now is of the Euler form, viz.,

`Phi(x,1,a)=int_0^1 (u^(a-1)(du))/(1-ux) = int_0^1 ( u^(kappa/(1-kappa)) du)/(1-zL^(kappa-1)u)`

From inspection we have,


Thus the integral can be expressed using the Lerch transcendent using:

 `a=1/(1-kappa)`, and `x=L^(kappa-1)/(2kappa-1)`.


`-int (d tau)/(1-kappa)=z int_0^L (beta^(-2)d beta)/(1-(2kappa-1)^(-1)beta^(kappa-1))=z L^(-1) Phi(L^(kappa-1)/(2kappa-1),1,1/(1-kappa))`

To make the integral useful, we need to change the limits again as to represent the time taken for `beta` to drop from 1 to L, rather than 0 to L. So we split the integral,


We are interested in the integral of `beta=1..L` which corresponds to `tau|_0^beta`,

`-tau_beta = int_L^1=int_0^1-int_0^L`

Using our definition in terms of the Lerch function, we finally arrive with an expression to give time from a concentration,

`tau_beta = z L^(-1) Phi(L^(kappa-1)/(2kappa-1),1,1/(1-kappa))- z Phi(1/(2kappa-1),1,1/(1-kappa))`

Recalling our specific definition for scaled time, `tau=k_1B_0t`, we convert scaled time to time in seconds by dividing `tau` by `k_1B_0`.

Evaluating Lerch Transcendent

As previously alluded to, the time-integral is intractable, which means it cannot be evaluated through an expression with a finite number of terms. However, the solution can be approximated through what is comparable to a series expansion. As described on this page, the Lerch Transcendent can be evaluated using the following infinite series,

`Phi(z,s,a)=sum_(n=0)^oo z^n/(a+n)^s`

In a form relevent to the parallel consecutive bimolecular mechanism, `s=1`.